I knit presents for everyone in my family this year except my brother. Last year I gave him a hat and he didn't wear it because he said people made fun of him! WTF? In his defense, it wasn't handknitted by me... but it was still a knit hat! The boy gots no respect. So no handknits for him. Anyways on to the knits!
Mittens for my mama:

These are the Easy Mittens by Sue Dial in 101 One Skein Wonders. I have made these a million times. I would add it to my ravelry, but I'm almost embarrassed at how many times I have made these mittens. There are two listed projects... but trust me. It's been way more. So this is my go-to mitten pattern as of late. Instead of the rolled cuff, I made a garter stitch cuff (p1 row, k1 row in the round) and doubled up Rowan Kid Classic on size 7 dpns.
Merry Christmas to Me!

Judge me. I don't care. Just kidding! It's pretty! But I didn't give this to anyone because it fits kinda funny. I didn't account for the fact that stranded knitting makes for a tighter fit when you're an amateur like myself. So the brim is really loose compared to the actual head part. Woops! Stats: Cascade 220 in grey, Patons Classic Wool in gold, and some Ella Rae wool that I have no clue what to do with otherwise on 16" size 6 circs. The pattern is From Norway With Love by Anna and Heidi Pickles. I made a ravelry page for this but it says the same stuff.
I also made my dad a hat, a Natural Winter Kit hat, but I didn't get a chance to photograph it before I had to wrap it. And then give it. It was a boring color anyways. Tata!
u r so creative, i like ur hand made
I love those mittens!